Purevento wins first Europe-wide tender for outdoor air purification
The state capital Kiel has decided by council resolution to use a technical air filtration system from Purevento to reduce the excessive pollution levels at the city ring road. With its customised, technical solution and a convincing overall concept, Purevento was able to prevail over three other suppliers in the Europe-wide competition.
Kiel’s updated Clean Air Plan of 22 January 2020 describes a technical air filtration system as the only effective alternative to driving bans for timely compliance with the required limit value. Lord Mayor Dr. Ulf Kämpfer is sure that the air filters will bring an important improvement: “The city air cleaners are temporarily at the roadside until the limit value is met even without this technical remedy.”
“This is better than any driving bans, which would lead to congestion and alternative traffic in other, more populated streets and more air pollution overall.”
Purevento’s scalable concept with a modular filter system has been developed for use in metropolises worldwide and is optimally configured for the respective location and purpose. The city air purifier was optimised for use on the Theodor-Heuss-Ring. Thanks to the cleaning capacity of up to 60,000 cubic metres of air per hour, a total of only six filter modules are required at the Theodor-Heuss-Ring, which will be installed in October 2020 and in operation for at least three years with the option of two prolongations for one year each.
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