Innovative solution for urban air purification presented
At the Theodor-Heuss-Ring in Kiel, which is threatened by driving bans, Purevento will today set up its newly developed S-40 prototype of a City Air Cleaner at the invitation of the Environmental Protection Department of the state capital (Umweltschutzamt). Due to its geographical location, this busy six-lane federal road is the bottleneck for all commuter and commercial traffic at the southern tip of the Kiel Fjord. This ensures that the adjacent residential area is one of the most polluted with nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the whole of Germany.
The city of Kiel is one of the 60 German cities that did not meet the EU limits for nitrogen dioxide in 2018. The pollutant concentration for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) must not exceed 40 micrograms per cubic metre of air as an annual average. The many sustainable options for reducing pollutant emissions are only partially applicable at this bottleneck and do not have the required pollutant-reducing effect in the short term. Therefore, the Environmental Protection Department of the state capital (Umweltschutzamt) is very interested in immediate, local technical air purification in real time with City Air Cleaners from Purevento. In view of the impending driving bans in many German cities, there is great media interest in this novel innovative solution, which as a bridging technology can bring harmful pollutant concentrations below the required limit value in the shortest possible time.
The prototype will be in operation at Kiel for the next two weeks so that the representatives of the state capital responsible for air quality and the State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR), as well as residents and passers-by, can familiarise themselves with the innovative City Air Cleaner from Purevento. The City Air Cleaner sucks in the polluted air directly at the street where air pollutants that are hazardous to health – above all nitrogen dioxide – are emitted by passing traffic. The unit has a four-stage filter system and cleans the ambient air drawn in of gaseous pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and fine dust particles, which are produced, for example, by mechanical abrasion from the tyres, brakes and road surface. The purified air is decelerated in the unit and released cleanly to the pedestrian side.
In this first installation phase, the aim is to get to know the City Air Cleaner and how it works. For this purpose, the characteristics of the prototype in terms of suction power, discharge strength and volume are demonstrated under real conditions at an acute pollutant hotspot. Depending on demand, the City Air Cleaner S-40 cleans up to 40,000 cubic metres of air per hour, which corresponds to the volume of 1,200 shipping containers. Six units would be needed to clean the air along this particularly polluted 200-metre stretch of road.
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